Showing all 5 results
EZ + 1: Making Sense of Teaching Writing (Vendor)
$6.00Teaching writing well is not only possible, it can be enjoyable! Come and learn about an effective and easy-to-use approach for the very reluctant child as well as the natural writer.
However Imperfectly: Lessons Learned From Thirty Years of Teaching with Andrew Pudewa
$6.00In this talk, Andrew shares many humorous experiences (and painful lessons) he has learned over thirty years of teaching and homeschooling.
Principles That We Must Teach Our Children with John Kinzer
$6.00Seven key principles which parents must understand and teach their children are presented in this workshop.
The Three Best Things I Did as a Homeschool Dad with Andrew Pudewa
$6.00While there are many, many things I could have done better as a homeschool father, there are three distinct things that I did try to do – as consistently as possible during our years of homeschooling, which, according to my wife, were the most helpful.
Tips and Tricks to Teach Your Child With Special Needs with Rachel Anderson
$6.00Teaching a child with special needs requires flexibility and patience. When parents understand their child’s learning strengths and struggles, they can modify their lessons to create an environment of learning.