special needs
Showing all 10 results
2024: Accommodations: What Every Homeschooling Parent Needs to Know with Cheri Kay Sessions
$6.00This workshop addresses a crucial but frequently misunderstood topic related to special needs homeschooling. In this content-rich workshop, Cheri Kay explains the difference between accommodations and modifications, describes the 504 Plans, and answers homeschooling parents’ most frequently asked questions regarding the best ways to support learners who benefit from accommodations.
2024: Developing and Drafting an SEP (Student Education Plan) with Cheri Kay Sessions
$6.00Learn the purposes and benefits of an SEP, the homeschool version of an IEP and receive guidance on drafting your own SEP, exploring sample plans, and obtaining your own template so you can set your student up for success.
2024: Motivating the Reluctant Learner with Cheri Kay Sessions
$6.00There are many factors that impact a child’s motivation level – stress, executive function, nutritional needs, media usage, and more.
With a little bit of theory and a whole lot of practical application, Cheri Kay equips parents with the tools they need to tap into their child’s God-given gift of curiosity.
2024: Sensory Tips to Keep Students Happily on Task (Vendor)
$6.00Successfully addressing sensory needs helps a person to focus, concentrate, follow directions, and finish work. Learn tips to implement immediately to help a student and educator stay on task.
2024: Teaching Struggling Learners at Home: Nuts and Bolts for Success Part 1 with Cheri Kay Sessions
$6.00Cheri Kay presents ideas for designing a unique home instruction program tailored to your child’s specific challenges.
2024: Teaching Struggling Learners at Home: Nuts and Bolts for Success Part 2 with Cheri Kay Sessions
$6.00In this second half of “Nuts and Bolts for Success,” Cheri Kay addresses homeschooling and working, teaching multiple ages, scheduling the day, and practical teaching strategies you can use regardless of your curriculum program.
2024: You Can Homeschool Your Neurodivergent Learner with Cheri Kay Sessions
$6.00Unpack the frequently asked questions of how to homeschool struggling learners and those who learn differently.
RightStart Math – Why It Works (Vendor)
$6.00We will teach children that a real mathematical problem is like a puzzle, that math is more than memorization, and that math is fun. Come and learn what’s special about our math program.
Successfully Homeschool Your Child With Special Needs or Learning Struggles with Rachel Anderson
$6.00The idea of homeschooling a child with special needs or learning struggles may seem overwhelming, but there is freedom when you understand that the requirements and red tape in the school systems do not apply to you. Not only can you provide consistent instruction using strategies that work for your child, but you can tailor their education based on their specific needs and interests.
Tips and Tricks to Teach Your Child With Special Needs with Rachel Anderson
$6.00Teaching a child with special needs requires flexibility and patience. When parents understand their child’s learning strengths and struggles, they can modify their lessons to create an environment of learning.