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2024: Dad Directed Interactive Family Devotions (Vendor)
$6.00Learn why family discipleship is important and how to easily incorporate role-play into your family Bible time to engage your whole family dramatically!
2024: REAL ANSWERS for REAL LIFE from GOD’S WORD (Vendor)
$6.00This workshop will address the needs of today’s youth who are currently on the front lines of the culture battle and have not been given the tools to fight the false ideologies of the day. As parents, church lay leaders, and mentors, you can equip yourselves to disciple the teens of this generation with the only weapon that can stand against the cultural lies facing them, the sufficiency of God’s Word.
Focus Up (Colossians 3:1-4) with Rachael Carman
$6.00How do we continue on in faith when life is hard? How do we do the next right thing? How do we hold on when what we really want to do is let go?
In This Moment with Rachael Carman
$6.00If I believe in a sovereign God, and if I believe that He has a plan, and if I believe that He has a role for me to play, and I do, then how do I lean into that God and His plan? And what is my role in this cultural moment? Let’s take a look at some other similarly chaotic cultural moments in Scripture and see what we can learn from those who’ve gone before us.
Mary, Martha, You and Me with Rachael Carman
$6.00So, do you tend to sit at the feet of Jesus or rush around chasing after the items on your To-Do List? Do you understand who He is? Do you know He is able? Are you concerned about what other people think more than what He requires?
Proverbs and the Three Stages with Kristin Overman
$6.00What do you teach your kids at each stage? Is there a purposeful progression that Christian parents can go through?
From toddlers to teens, Proverbs has a progression of what to teach our children and how to grow wise.