2023 Homeschool Convention
Showing 31–40 of 42 results
Schedules…Helping Our Children to Be Happy with Monica Irvine
$6.00Imagine reducing your errands by 50%! How much time would that give you to do other things?
Parents, these things are possible and possible without unreasonable efforts. They are possible when you place your family on a schedule and take advantage of the gift of routines.
Stand Firm – Faith That is Owned with Kristin Overman
$6.00Kristin will share the story of her teenage and young adult years, and how she wrestled with vague answers in the church and Christianity. She will share what helped her overcome those doubts and convince her that God was real, and He was worthy to put her trust in. She will also go over several questions and answers from the Bible to help young adults stand firm in their faith.
Successfully Homeschool Your Child With Special Needs or Learning Struggles with Rachel Anderson
$6.00The idea of homeschooling a child with special needs or learning struggles may seem overwhelming, but there is freedom when you understand that the requirements and red tape in the school systems do not apply to you. Not only can you provide consistent instruction using strategies that work for your child, but you can tailor their education based on their specific needs and interests.
Teaching Boys and Teaching Girls: Towards a Better Understanding with Andrew Pudewa
$6.00An in-depth look at the neurophysiological differences between boys and girls – how they hear differently, see differently, handle stress and pain differently – as well as the implications for our teaching of both boys and girls. This is an expansion on Andrew’s previous “Boys” talk. With added research, together with humor and practical stories, this presentation will delight and enlighten parents of boys, girls, or both!
Teddy Roosevelt to George W. Bush with John Kinzer
$6.00As your student learns American History, what can you give him or her that will teach about the important principles and ideals that the 20th Century Presidents teach us?
The Family That Stays Together, Stays Together with Steve Demme
$6.00God created marriage and the family. Home education is a lifestyle of learning where parents and children do life together. Working, eating, reading books aloud, watching movies, all contribute to creating the unique chemistry of family.
The Problem With Prayer with Glenda Durano
$6.00How do you learn to trust God when your prayers go unanswered? Why is He sometimes silent? Is there ever a time to stop praying? Can a prayer request become an idol? Glenda Durano shares lessons from her personal prayer journey and how she discovered that prayer isn’t primarily about answers. It’s about access to God.
The Three Best Things I Did as a Homeschool Dad with Andrew Pudewa
$6.00While there are many, many things I could have done better as a homeschool father, there are three distinct things that I did try to do – as consistently as possible during our years of homeschooling, which, according to my wife, were the most helpful.
There’s No Place Like H.O.M.E. with Davis Carman
$6.00When you think about your children, where is the ideal place for them to learn, mature, and develop healthy life habits? Where is the safest place to have some discussions about difficult life issues? And where on earth can they find good examples of what it means to love God with all their heart? Academic instruction? A love for learning? I bet you know the answer.
Tips and Tricks to Teach Your Child With Special Needs with Rachel Anderson
$6.00Teaching a child with special needs requires flexibility and patience. When parents understand their child’s learning strengths and struggles, they can modify their lessons to create an environment of learning.