2022 Homeschool Convention
Showing 11–20 of 37 results
Finding Your Voice (Vendor)
$6.00Finding Your Voice allows the speaker to increase their emotional intelligence by engaging in the art of storytelling. This workshop will provide a glimpse into how the program works while you walk away with a quick elevator speech about your personal Homeschool journey.
Homeschooling for the Heart with Cathy Heckendorn
$6.00This workshop will focus on little ways that we can bring Christ into our everyday conversations, activities, and homeschool lessons, without becoming a Bible thumper!
Homeschooling the Rebel with Deborah Wuehler
$6.00This workshop is designed to give you helpful tips in dealing with a strong-willed child, how to nurture as well as homeschool this child, how to stay sane in the midst of anguish, and to give you hope for the future.
Homeschooling Through Hardships with Deborah Wuehler
$6.00Deborah talks about 10 years of hardships in her journey and shares the hope in the midst of the hard things, as well as tips on practical, simple homeschooling through them.
How to Incorporate Creation into Your Curriculum with Steve Thornberg
$6.00This workshop will go over creative, easy ideas of how to incorporate solid Creation concepts into your current curriculum, and even ideas for topics to study as an additional course.
Making Creation Science Fun and Easy (Vendor)
$6.00Unsure how to teach Creation versus Evolution? This workshop will tell you about Alpha Omega Institute’s resources to enhance your homeschool program.
Media and Our Family with Caleb Phipps
$6.00Dive in with Caleb Phipps to understand the sheer power and influence of media on the family. Then, discover a clear plan on how to assess and evaluate movies and shows based on both the Bible and the science of the brain.
Multigenerational Homeschooling with Jayne Neal & Katya Voss
$6.00How can Christian homeschoolers not only pass on our faith and vision to our own children, but also teach them to pass it on to their children “to the third and fourth generation”?
New Mexico’s Geology from a Biblical View with Patrick Nurre
$6.00Discover, perhaps for the first time, the geology of New Mexico, using the book of Genesis as a framework.
Nine Providential Events in History We Must Teach Our Children with John Kinzer
$6.00This seminar will allow the parent to relate these important events in history which influenced the minds of men and brought liberty to America.