I’ve decided I want to Homeschool; Now What? Download the checklist.
Listen to a Getting Started Workshop Free Recording
Below are links to some helpful homeschooling videos.
Getting Started Homeschool Killers
Getting Started Day to Day Life
Getting Started Choosing Curriculum
Getting Started Assessment
Filling out the NM PED Notification Form
Simple Steps to Getting Started
1. Notify the State of NM (PED-Public Education Department)
a. CAPE-NM is a non-profit organization established to encourage families in their journey of home education in New Mexico. CAPE provides an annual convention in Albuquerque, with dynamic speakers and many curriculum vendors from all over the nation. We also provide you with up-to-date information of NM law which affects home education in our state. (Click here to join CAPE-NM)
b. HSLDA- HomeSchool Legal Defense Association is a nonprofit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms. HSLDA advocates on the legal front on behalf of our members in matters which include conflicts with state or local officials over homeschooling. (Click here for HSLDA)
3. Attend a Getting Started Workshop. CAPE provides a free getting started workshop at the annual CAPE Homeschool Convention.
Getting Started Workshop
In this workshop from John and Cathy Heckendorn, you’ll learn some basic things to consider when you jump into homeschooling – from curriculum styles, home preparation and relationships, to finding support. You’ll also be challenged to develop a deeper understanding of why to homeschool.
John and Cathy Heckendorn began as high school sweethearts and have now been married for 34 years and have two daughters, one son-in-love, two sons, and one granddaughter. John was convicted to homeschool, but Cathy reluctantly followed, kicking and screaming that she “never wanted to do this”. They have since graduated all four of their children. John is a commercial lender, and, together with their family, they run a registered Angus Ranch. John enjoys studying cattle genetics, reading, discussing creation/evolution, and doing the bidding of his granddaughter. When she isn’t helping with ranch chores, Cathy enjoys reading, quilting, encouraging other moms, and spending time with her family. They serve on the CAPE Board, serve in their local church, and lead the Heart2Heart Homeschool Mom Support Group in the Moriarty area.
4. Keep Good Records. Click here for pdf of Getting Started Paperwork
5. Purchase Curriculum. CAPE-NM has an annual convention in June with a variety of curricula available for purchase. There are also many websites where homeschool curriculum can be purchased. A sample listing of curriculum can be found here. I’m sure we have left out many wonderful programs. This is designed to give you a start of where you can look and learn what is available.
6. Find a support group. This can be one family or many families that meet together. For information on a group in your area. Contact CAPE-NM at 505-898-8548 or info@cape-nm.org.
For more information on getting started with a student in Jr. High or High School click here.
Download the CAPE FAQ for answers to more of your homeschool questions.