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CAPE @ the Capitol


29th Annual

CAPE @ the Capitol

Thursday, February 5, 2026

9 am – 12 pm

The Roundhouse

490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87501


Registration is open now – scroll to the bottom of the page to sign up!


Featured Speakers:


Coming Soon


2026 Schedule Coming Soon


What is it? 

An event that builds and maintains the foundations that keeps homeschooling free in New Mexico.

A morning in beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico, the oldest capital city in the United States.

A chance to meet your lawmakers and other homeschoolers.

A field trip to introduce your children to the legislative process.

An opportunity to show decision-makers how normal homeschooling and homeschoolers really are.


How can I get involved?

Join us in Santa Fe on the first Thursday of February.

Registration is open now and continues until the Monday before CAPE @ the Capitol.

Email Erin at with questions, ideas or donations.


Find more information here.




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