A full set of recordings (42 total) from the 2023 CAPE-NM Homeschool Convention.
Conquering Corrupt Culture by Raising Christian Communicators
Andrew Pudewa
Today, many of us have an intuitive sense that major changes are coming, that soon our world may be very different in ways not necessarily convenient or comfortable. But at the same time, we must wake up each day and live as though things will continue on pretty much as they are. Resolving this cognitive dissonance requires that we carefully contemplate our circumstances because we truly are in a cultural war, fighting the “non-gospel” of aesthetic and moral relativism on three fronts – personal, familial and social. What should our priorities be, and how can we prepare our children to be “culture warriors”?
Attention: Obsessive-Compulsive, Perfectionistic, Control-Freaks-CHILL OUT!
Rachael Carman
As an obsessive-compulsive-perfectionist-control-freak herself, Rachael discusses how in many instances she is her own worst enemy when it comes to taking advantage of the freedoms of homeschool. Are you tied to your plan? Do you shiver at the idea of change or adjustment? Are you missing out on significant moments because you are focused on the trivial? It’s time to Chill Out and give control of it all to God for He is faithful.
Receiving Grace to Give Grace
Steve Demme
Jesus counsels us to love one another as He has loved us. We can only give to our children what we have received ourselves. Besides exploring the basis for God’s unchanging love, we will also explore how to face our own struggles to comprehend His divine care and affection.
Discipline With Love So We Don’t Break Our Child’s Spirit
Monica Irvine
I know you have felt the pain of regret when you have had a moment of failure when disciplining your children. I know many of you are fighting against habits you learned from your parents that you swore you would never do. I know you want to parent with love, honor and respect, but sometimes, you don’t.
Parents, did you know that it is God’s perfect plan that his imperfect children raise his imperfect children? He knew you and I would not be perfect parents. He knew you would get it wrong on some days. However, still, he knew that the best people to raise your children are YOU! It is! It’s you.
Listen to Master Motivator, Monica Irvine, share some invaluable insights in parenting with greater love, greater understanding, and greater self-control. Mrs. Irvine will help you to understand the difference in disciplining to stop or start behavior and disciplining to change our children’s hearts. It makes ALL the difference. If you want a loving, happy, healthy relationship with your adult children, you must start today creating that relationship.
Successfully Homeschool Your Child with Special Needs or Learning Struggles
Rachel Anderson
The idea of homeschooling a child with special needs or learning struggles may seem overwhelming, but there is freedom when you understand that the requirements and red tape in the school systems do not apply to you. Not only can you provide consistent instruction using strategies that work for your child, but you can tailor their education based on their specific needs and interests.
EZ + 1: Making Sense of Teaching Writing
Deanne Smith – Institute for Excellence in Writing
Teaching writing well is not only possible, it can be enjoyable! Come and learn about an effective and easy-to-use approach for the very reluctant child as well as the natural writer. Using models, checklists, and a clear pathway for EZ + 1 skill progression, the Structure and Style® composition program is guaranteed to instill confidence and build competence in students of all ages and aptitudes.
A Two-Way Bridge for Your Family, Your Church, And Your Community
Devon Spencer – American Heritage Girls & Trail Life USA
American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered girl-focused character development program for girls ages 5-17. Trail Life USA is a Christ-centered boy-focused adventure discipleship program for boys ages 5-17. This interactive discussion will explore how these organizations work with your local church to provide an opportunity for youth to learn critical life skills while focused on Christ and prepare them to live out their faith outside the walls of the church. We will also look at how these opportunities are well received by unchurched families providing outreach opportunities for your family and church.
How to DIE to Yourself and LIVE To Tell About It
Rachael Carman
Every day we are bombarded with messages that try to convince us that we are individually important. The basic theme is that we should seek self. It’s all a big life, from the king of lies. We must shift our focus away from ourselves and onto our awesome and mighty God. The world is relentlessly pursuing peace and contentment that can only come from a life that is totally surrendered to Christ and His will. Come learn how this realization radically changed Rachael’s life, direction and purpose. It can change yours too!
Raising Readers!
The Radigan Family
“Reading is important, because if you can read, you can learn anything about everything and everything about anything.”
Tomie DePaola
In the age of video games and screens, how do we raise children who love to read? First, your children must be steeped in interesting and beautiful stories. There are a lot of books out there, some of them are beautifully illustrated and tell a meaningful story, but so many of them are insipid or trash. How do I know the difference? What makes a good story and why should I even care? How do I build a home library on a budget? Come and hear from a homeschool mom of six and her children, three boys and three girls, about how to raise lifelong readers and how to build your own library!
Raising Confident, Generous & Compassionate Ladies Requires Skills
Monica Irvine
Come and learn how to give your daughters what is becoming a rare commodity…honor. Imagine what it feels like to watch your daughter continue to strive for excellence in all aspects of her life, because she knows she has endless potential and a great responsibility. She matures with a desire to be a voice for good and a contributor to making our world a better place. She seems fearless yet uses great wisdom. She is courageous, yet humble. She is KIND. You watch her as she exercises true empathy for those in need, and although she holds herself to high standards, she never places herself above others. She has been taught by example of what a true lady is, and she looks forward to one day being that example to her family. She is truly a lady. Parents, this Master Class will help you understand how to create the example your daughter needs to become this lady.
RightStart Math – Why It Works
Rachel Anderson – RightStart Math
Have you heard the buzz about RightStart™ Math? Hear about our philosophy and what sets us apart from other curricula. We will teach children that a real mathematical problem is like a puzzle, that math is more than memorization, and that math is fun. Come and learn what’s special about our math program.
Reading Strategies for the Struggling or Nonreader
Andrew Pudewa
As schools have made reading their new god, believing that producing good readers will solve all their academic problems, many children – the dyslexic, the easily distracted, the auditorily challenged – are truly left behind in the rush to improve test scores. What schools don’t know (but what many parents discover) is that reading is not simply being able to rapidly decode symbols with the eyes. With humor and insight, Andrew will share stories and strategies for helping students who need to engage the cognitive processes of reading, but who are more likely to excel through a wider variety of practical, creative and imaginative approaches.
Radically Intentional Parenting
Davis Carman
Parents love their kids more than anyone on the planet. They want the best for their children, especially when it comes to education, character development, and relationship. Then why do so many parents take the lazy-man’s approach and “wing it” in many important areas of child training? It could be that parenting is hard work – really hard work. You could even say it’s just not for wimps. The issues facing parents are many, critical, and looming. What direction will you take your family when it comes to discipline, sports, sleepovers, cell phones, video games, movies, dating, and more? Young kids need courageous leadership from their mom and dad, and you will choose to be passive or proactive, spontaneous or intentional. Davis has three decades’ worth of parenting experience with seven kids. In this presentation, he shares some of the best and worst decisions a parent can make.
Understanding “THAT” Child
Cathy Heckendorn
Do you ever feel frustrated that this child never seems to follow through on assignments and tasks, and yet expects perfection from everyone around him? How come cute little Sally Sue just floats around with her head happily in the clouds, while Bobby Joe would rather spend time sitting quietly in a corner with a book? This session aims to answer those questions and many more. Parents of children of all ages (yes, this is great for those high school years, too) will be encouraged when they learn how to relate to each child the way God designed them.
Stand Firm – Faith That Is Owned
Kristin Overman
Kristin will share the story of her teenage and young adult years, and how she wrestled with vague answers in the church and Christianity. She will share what helped her overcome those doubts and convince her that God was real, and He was worthy to put her trust in. She will also go over several questions and answers from the Bible to help young adults stand firm in their faith. Finally, Kristin will share some resources that will help with dealing with common questions of faith, doubt in God, and the attack on faith from the world’s system. The Bible speaks about us as soldiers, and we are commanded to stand our ground against three entities or persons. Kristin’s prayer for the next generation is as Paul desired for his disciples in Philippi, “…so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I will hear that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.” Kristin is passionate about helping parents raise their kids with God’s manual and raising adults who can stand firm in their faith and be confident in the God of the Bible.
How to Integrate the ARTS Into Your Curriculum
Diane Turner – Sightline Integrated Arts
In this workshop, you will learn how to integrate the ARTS into your curriculum at home and also a little about Sightline Integrated Arts – a Christian drop-off program for homeschool students ages 6-18 offering a variety of CORE and ARTS classes. Come to this interactive workshop to learn ways to make your student’s learning more experiential, interactive, and engaging. You will be up on your feet as the student and learn how fun and easy it is to study core subjects through experiential learning and the arts. You will learn how to combine multiple styles of learning with any core curriculum you are using with the arts – theater, music, dance, and art. Experiential, interconnected learning better engages both sides of the student’s brain. By integrating your curriculum with the arts, your student’s brain forms stronger overall connections, and they are able to store more relevant information.
Hands-on Geology of NM
John Kinzer – Rio Grande Enrichment Studies
New Mexico is a fascinating state for geology and earth science. Students need to learn principles of science and the scientific method as they study. Hands-on study of minerals, rocks, and fossils interest and expand student understanding. What can the parent or teacher present that will help the student grow and discern from God’s laboratory, the Creation? What we do we learn about God from the world around us? Where are some good field trips for my family? All of these questions intersect in this introduction to NM Geology, ways to teach science principles, and how to use hands-on science to increase observations and investigation skills.
However Imperfectly: Lessons Learned from Thirty Years of Teaching
Andrew Pudewa
In this talk, Andrew shares many humorous experiences (and painful lessons) he has learned over thirty years of teaching and homeschooling, including: It’s hard not to do to your kids what was done to you; process over product; all kids are different; “progressive” education doesn’t mean progress; what real “college and career readiness” is; and two secret keys to successful teaching. You will be challenged or reassured (or both!) but sure to leave with an expanded vision of your calling as a home educator.
Mary, Martha, You and Me
Rachael Carman
So, do you tend to sit at the feet of Jesus or rush around chasing after the items on your To-Do List? Do you understand who He is? Do you know He is able? Are you concerned about what other people think more than what He requires? Mary and Martha’s inclusion in the biblical narrative is both raw and refreshing. Two women, sisters, two responses to Jesus on two different occasions. Let’s look again at the two snapshots from the gospels and see what we can learn and apply to our lives.
A.P.P.L.E.S. for the Teacher
Davis Carman
The gift of a fresh, shiny apple still represents respect and gratitude towards one’s teacher. Why should it be any different for the homeschooling mom They typically carry the lion’s share of the homeschooling workload. To help them avoid burnout, husbands need to help their wife avoid feeling 100% of the homeschooling responsibility. Your wife needs to hear “thank you” in many different ways and know for sure that you are engaged. In this session, Davis gives six real and practical ideas for supporting your wife in the homeschooling journey.
Tips and Tricks to Teach Your Child with Special Needs
Rachel Anderson
Teaching a child with special needs requires flexibility and patience. When parents understand their child’s learning strengths and struggles, they can modify their lessons to create an environment of learning. In this workshop, I will help you understand the learning strengths and struggles of some of the most common disabilities and give you tips and tricks you can use in your lessons to promote learning.
Create a LANGUAGE IMMERSION Homeschool – Even if You Only Know English!
Adelaide Olguin – Talk Box Mom
Want a foreign language to be a part of your homeschool? But your family is either stuck learning vocab words instead of immersing themselves in the language by talking in it together or the whole idea of learning a foreign language is super overwhelming? I grew up monolingual and learned to conjugate verbs in high school Spanish but could barely put a sentence together without loads of anxiety. Now, my family has learned multiple languages together and has transformed our homeschool day into a full immersion experience.
Homeschooling Isn’t the Answer
Rachael Carman
Bummer, isn’t it? Wouldn’t it be nice if homeschooling was the answer? I mean, wouldn’t it be nice if all of the problems in our families could be solved with good family time and top of the line curriculum? Wouldn’t it be great if all we had to do was adopt a certain daily schedule, read aloud certain books and follow a certain educational philosophy? Wouldn’t it be awesome if there were just a simple checklist of “To-dos” each day that would guarantee success? Yes, it would, but alas, there’s not. However, here is an answer to all that ails us: the sin and death, the pain and misery. Come be reminded of the Answer and the hope it engenders.
The Three Best Things I did as a Homeschool Dad
Andrew Pudewa
While there are many, many things I could have done better as a homeschool father, there are three distinct things that I did try to do – as consistently as possible during our years of homeschooling, which, according to my wife, were the most helpful. Come and learn what these three things are and glean some ideas for making your homeschool years the best they can be. Moms welcome as well!
Family – Our Best Apologia Ever
Davis Carman
Apologia is a Greek word meaning “defend the faith.” In a society saturated with anti-God and relative-Truth Perspectives, students need to be taught from a biblical worldview. The statistics show that a very small percentage of born-again believers have a worldview consistent with basic Christian doctrines. The Internet, movies, music, books and other media heavily influence the thoughts, beliefs, and corresponding actions of young people. How can homeschooling parents help their children stand firm and not be as vulnerable to the modern-day lies? Certainly, one solution can be the use of good books and curricula including creation-based science curricula. The best way is by committing to three ideals. Davis will explain how raising children in a family setting where Christ is worshipped and where the Word of God is the primary text can fulfill the great commission and result in generational faithfulness. Family is truly our best defense of the Christian faith.
Schedules…Helping Our Children to Be Happy
Monica Irvine
Imagine your children waking up with an alarm clock, making their bed, completing their morning hygiene duties, saying their morning personal prayer, completing their morning chores without any verbal reminders from you? Imagine your family having the time for family devotion, family projects, family fun time, one-on-one time with your children, date night for you and your spouse, daily quiet time and chore time.
Imagine reducing your errands by 50%! How much time would that give you to do other things? Parents, these things are possible and possible without unreasonable efforts. They are possible when you place your family on a schedule and take advantage of the gift of routines.
High School Transcripts and Tools
Glenda Durano
What do universities expect in terms of a homeschooler’s high school transcript? How can you effectively demonstrate the depth and breadth of a home-based education? Is a supplement or a portfolio necessary? What should be included on a college resume and what should be omitted? Certified Education Planner Glenda Durano shares ideas and insights for successful transcripts and college applications for university-bound homeschoolers.
Experiment-Based Food Science and Physics
Dale Cox
Dale will present the details of the print and online courses his company offers, and how they can be used both separately and together. He will also briefly introduce what food scientists do along with possible careers.
While most of the courses are food science for junior high and high school-aged students, he will describe a physics course also for that age group that uses LEGO bricks for the experiment portion, and one food science course intended for students ages 6-10.
Why Go Through the Ages With All the Ages in Your Homeschool?
Mindy Brouse
Come learn the many, many benefits of studying the same time period with all of your children during your homeschooling years! Hint: Not only does it streamline for the homeschooling parent, but the kiddos see connections in powerful ways!
Teaching Boys and Teaching Girls: Towards a Better Understanding
Andrew Pudewa
An in-depth look at the neurophysiological differences between boys and girls – how they hear differently, see differently, handle stress and pain differently – as well as the implications for our teaching of both boys and girls. This is an expansion on Andrew’s previous “Boys” talk. With added research, together with humor and practical stories, this presentation will delight and enlighten parents of boys, girls, or both!
In This Moment
Rachael Carman
So here we are. Most of us would have chosen something different than what we’ve recently had to face. I mean really, who would have signed up for the crazy chaos that has characterized the last two years? Not me.
But, if I believe in a sovereign God, and if I believe that He has a plan, and if I believe that He has a role for me to play, and I do, then how do I lean into that God and His plan? And what is my role in this cultural moment? Let’s take a look at some other similarly chaotic cultural moments in Scripture and see what we can learn from those who’ve gone before us.
This is our moment. Let’s dare to live it for Him.
A Do-Over
Steve Demme
I have been asked if I could homeschool my children again, what I would do differently. I have often reflected what I would do as a dad and have several insights that I hope will be beneficial to your home. I could do many workshops on this topic, but I invite you to come and hear the main points in this one.
The Problem With Prayer
Glenda Durano
How do you learn to trust God when your prayers go unanswered? Why is He sometimes silent? Is there ever a time to stop praying? Can a prayer request become an idol? Glenda Durano shares lessons from her personal prayer journey and how she discovered that prayer isn’t primarily about answers. It’s about access to God.
Raising Our Boys to Be True Gentlemen Who Live With Honor
Monica Irvine
Parents, I know you want to raise sons who live with honor, but our society continues to strip away opportunities for our children to do honorable things. Here’s the great news…you can make sure that you are creating opportunities for your children to practice living with honor, but it requires parenting with purpose. Come and listen to Master Motivator, Monica Irvine, inspire your family with lots of ideas of how to teach your sons the skills of honor through small simple acts of generosity. It truly can change their lives and yours as well. You don’t want to miss this!
Nutritional and Wellness Preparedness
Adelina Fast
Training and equipping by providing Biblically based resources focused on family nutrition and health programs for all ages.
Focus Up (Colossians 3:1-4)
Rachael Carman
There are many things in life that draw our attention down, and many things that bring us down. Let’s be honest, life is hard. It’s true. But God invites us to focus up.
Time and again, God calls His people’s attention upward, toward Himself and His glory. There’s no denial in Scripture of the challenges, difficulties, trials, obstacles, pains or temptations that we face here in this world.
The Bible is a catalog of imperfect people wrestling with the realities of life on a planet infected with sin. And even when God’s people endeavor to do His will, their paths aren’t easy.
So, how do we continue on in faith when life is hard? How do we do the next right thing? How do we hold on when what we really want to do is let go?
Paul repeats his encouragement throughout his letters. Let’s lean in and learn from its echo.
By Heart – The Goodness of Memory
Andrew Pudewa
Join Andrew in a contemplation of the fundamental human faculty of memory, examining some of the history and biology of memory, its impact on language, imagination, joy, and virtue. Together we will consider why progressive education discredits its value and why (and how!) we should guard and cultivate this precious gift.
There’s No Place Like H.O.M.E.
Davis Carman
In the class movie, The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy finds herself longing to be back in Kansas with her family. She taps her heels and repeats the well-known phrase, “There’s no place like home.” Instantly, she is transported to the one location where she is safe and sound and loved.
When you think about your children, where is the ideal place for them to learn, mature, and develop healthy life habits? Where is the safest place to have some discussions about difficult life issues? And where on earth can they find good examples of what it means to love God with all their heart? Academic instruction? A love for learning? I bet you know the answer.
In this workshop, Davis will present four reasons why there really is “No Place Like Home.”
Proverbs and the Three Stages
Kristin Overman
What do you teach your kids at each stage? Is there a purposeful progression that Christian parents can go through?
From toddlers to teens, Proverbs has a progression of what to teach our children and how to grow wise.
We will look at the four foundational keys to teach young children. Then we will look at the conversational stage in Proverbs and what we should talk about with our elementary-age children.
Finally, we’ll look at the last section of Proverbs for the growing independence of young adults and the four W’s to go over with them before we send them off.
God gave us a manual for parenting. He does not leave us alone or without resources in this job!
Kristin is passionate about helping parents raise “Godly” kids.
Experience Classical Conversations
Daniela Byers
Experience a Classical Conversations day all the way through our K4-12th grade programs by engaging with material just as our students do. Join us for some great discussion in this one-hour workshop. There will also be time for questions and info about all our Classical, Christian Communities throughout New Mexico. Come learn with us!
Teddy Roosevelt to George W. Bush: Learning from American Presidents in the 20th Century
John Kinzer
As your student learns American History, what can you give him or her that will teach about the important principles and ideals that the 20th Century Presidents teach us?
What importance does leadership play in the administration of a President? How do we evaluate a President, the impact a President has over time, and the Biblical truth that a President followed, or did not follow in his life and politics? Several Biblical principles are presented as we take a look at the 18 Presidents of the 20th Century.
Not only will we take a closer look at 5 key Presidents, but also what we can take away from the Presidents as good examples to learn and apply today. Resources for learning will be available.
The Family That Stays Together, Stays Together
Steve Demme
God created marriage and the family. Home education is a lifestyle of learning where parents and children do life together. Working, eating, reading books aloud, watching movies, all contribute to creating the unique chemistry of family.
Convention Recordings: Full Set 2023
A full set of recordings from the 2023 CAPE-NM Homeschool Convention.
A full set of recordings (42 total) from the 2023 CAPE-NM Homeschool Convention.
Conquering Corrupt Culture by Raising Christian Communicators
Andrew Pudewa
Today, many of us have an intuitive sense that major changes are coming, that soon our world may be very different in ways not necessarily convenient or comfortable. But at the same time, we must wake up each day and live as though things will continue on pretty much as they are. Resolving this cognitive dissonance requires that we carefully contemplate our circumstances because we truly are in a cultural war, fighting the “non-gospel” of aesthetic and moral relativism on three fronts – personal, familial and social. What should our priorities be, and how can we prepare our children to be “culture warriors”?
Attention: Obsessive-Compulsive, Perfectionistic, Control-Freaks-CHILL OUT!
Rachael Carman
As an obsessive-compulsive-perfectionist-control-freak herself, Rachael discusses how in many instances she is her own worst enemy when it comes to taking advantage of the freedoms of homeschool. Are you tied to your plan? Do you shiver at the idea of change or adjustment? Are you missing out on significant moments because you are focused on the trivial? It’s time to Chill Out and give control of it all to God for He is faithful.
Receiving Grace to Give Grace
Steve Demme
Jesus counsels us to love one another as He has loved us. We can only give to our children what we have received ourselves. Besides exploring the basis for God’s unchanging love, we will also explore how to face our own struggles to comprehend His divine care and affection.
Discipline With Love So We Don’t Break Our Child’s Spirit
Monica Irvine
I know you have felt the pain of regret when you have had a moment of failure when disciplining your children. I know many of you are fighting against habits you learned from your parents that you swore you would never do. I know you want to parent with love, honor and respect, but sometimes, you don’t.
Parents, did you know that it is God’s perfect plan that his imperfect children raise his imperfect children? He knew you and I would not be perfect parents. He knew you would get it wrong on some days. However, still, he knew that the best people to raise your children are YOU! It is! It’s you.
Listen to Master Motivator, Monica Irvine, share some invaluable insights in parenting with greater love, greater understanding, and greater self-control. Mrs. Irvine will help you to understand the difference in disciplining to stop or start behavior and disciplining to change our children’s hearts. It makes ALL the difference. If you want a loving, happy, healthy relationship with your adult children, you must start today creating that relationship.
Successfully Homeschool Your Child with Special Needs or Learning Struggles
Rachel Anderson
The idea of homeschooling a child with special needs or learning struggles may seem overwhelming, but there is freedom when you understand that the requirements and red tape in the school systems do not apply to you. Not only can you provide consistent instruction using strategies that work for your child, but you can tailor their education based on their specific needs and interests.
EZ + 1: Making Sense of Teaching Writing
Deanne Smith – Institute for Excellence in Writing
Teaching writing well is not only possible, it can be enjoyable! Come and learn about an effective and easy-to-use approach for the very reluctant child as well as the natural writer. Using models, checklists, and a clear pathway for EZ + 1 skill progression, the Structure and Style® composition program is guaranteed to instill confidence and build competence in students of all ages and aptitudes.
A Two-Way Bridge for Your Family, Your Church, And Your Community
Devon Spencer – American Heritage Girls & Trail Life USA
American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered girl-focused character development program for girls ages 5-17. Trail Life USA is a Christ-centered boy-focused adventure discipleship program for boys ages 5-17. This interactive discussion will explore how these organizations work with your local church to provide an opportunity for youth to learn critical life skills while focused on Christ and prepare them to live out their faith outside the walls of the church. We will also look at how these opportunities are well received by unchurched families providing outreach opportunities for your family and church.
How to DIE to Yourself and LIVE To Tell About It
Rachael Carman
Every day we are bombarded with messages that try to convince us that we are individually important. The basic theme is that we should seek self. It’s all a big life, from the king of lies. We must shift our focus away from ourselves and onto our awesome and mighty God. The world is relentlessly pursuing peace and contentment that can only come from a life that is totally surrendered to Christ and His will. Come learn how this realization radically changed Rachael’s life, direction and purpose. It can change yours too!
Raising Readers!
The Radigan Family
“Reading is important, because if you can read, you can learn anything about everything and everything about anything.”
Tomie DePaola
In the age of video games and screens, how do we raise children who love to read? First, your children must be steeped in interesting and beautiful stories. There are a lot of books out there, some of them are beautifully illustrated and tell a meaningful story, but so many of them are insipid or trash. How do I know the difference? What makes a good story and why should I even care? How do I build a home library on a budget? Come and hear from a homeschool mom of six and her children, three boys and three girls, about how to raise lifelong readers and how to build your own library!
Raising Confident, Generous & Compassionate Ladies Requires Skills
Monica Irvine
Come and learn how to give your daughters what is becoming a rare commodity…honor. Imagine what it feels like to watch your daughter continue to strive for excellence in all aspects of her life, because she knows she has endless potential and a great responsibility. She matures with a desire to be a voice for good and a contributor to making our world a better place. She seems fearless yet uses great wisdom. She is courageous, yet humble. She is KIND. You watch her as she exercises true empathy for those in need, and although she holds herself to high standards, she never places herself above others. She has been taught by example of what a true lady is, and she looks forward to one day being that example to her family. She is truly a lady. Parents, this Master Class will help you understand how to create the example your daughter needs to become this lady.
RightStart Math – Why It Works
Rachel Anderson – RightStart Math
Have you heard the buzz about RightStart™ Math? Hear about our philosophy and what sets us apart from other curricula. We will teach children that a real mathematical problem is like a puzzle, that math is more than memorization, and that math is fun. Come and learn what’s special about our math program.
Reading Strategies for the Struggling or Nonreader
Andrew Pudewa
As schools have made reading their new god, believing that producing good readers will solve all their academic problems, many children – the dyslexic, the easily distracted, the auditorily challenged – are truly left behind in the rush to improve test scores. What schools don’t know (but what many parents discover) is that reading is not simply being able to rapidly decode symbols with the eyes. With humor and insight, Andrew will share stories and strategies for helping students who need to engage the cognitive processes of reading, but who are more likely to excel through a wider variety of practical, creative and imaginative approaches.
Radically Intentional Parenting
Davis Carman
Parents love their kids more than anyone on the planet. They want the best for their children, especially when it comes to education, character development, and relationship. Then why do so many parents take the lazy-man’s approach and “wing it” in many important areas of child training? It could be that parenting is hard work – really hard work. You could even say it’s just not for wimps. The issues facing parents are many, critical, and looming. What direction will you take your family when it comes to discipline, sports, sleepovers, cell phones, video games, movies, dating, and more? Young kids need courageous leadership from their mom and dad, and you will choose to be passive or proactive, spontaneous or intentional. Davis has three decades’ worth of parenting experience with seven kids. In this presentation, he shares some of the best and worst decisions a parent can make.
Understanding “THAT” Child
Cathy Heckendorn
Do you ever feel frustrated that this child never seems to follow through on assignments and tasks, and yet expects perfection from everyone around him? How come cute little Sally Sue just floats around with her head happily in the clouds, while Bobby Joe would rather spend time sitting quietly in a corner with a book? This session aims to answer those questions and many more. Parents of children of all ages (yes, this is great for those high school years, too) will be encouraged when they learn how to relate to each child the way God designed them.
Stand Firm – Faith That Is Owned
Kristin Overman
Kristin will share the story of her teenage and young adult years, and how she wrestled with vague answers in the church and Christianity. She will share what helped her overcome those doubts and convince her that God was real, and He was worthy to put her trust in. She will also go over several questions and answers from the Bible to help young adults stand firm in their faith. Finally, Kristin will share some resources that will help with dealing with common questions of faith, doubt in God, and the attack on faith from the world’s system. The Bible speaks about us as soldiers, and we are commanded to stand our ground against three entities or persons. Kristin’s prayer for the next generation is as Paul desired for his disciples in Philippi, “…so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I will hear that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.” Kristin is passionate about helping parents raise their kids with God’s manual and raising adults who can stand firm in their faith and be confident in the God of the Bible.
How to Integrate the ARTS Into Your Curriculum
Diane Turner – Sightline Integrated Arts
In this workshop, you will learn how to integrate the ARTS into your curriculum at home and also a little about Sightline Integrated Arts – a Christian drop-off program for homeschool students ages 6-18 offering a variety of CORE and ARTS classes. Come to this interactive workshop to learn ways to make your student’s learning more experiential, interactive, and engaging. You will be up on your feet as the student and learn how fun and easy it is to study core subjects through experiential learning and the arts. You will learn how to combine multiple styles of learning with any core curriculum you are using with the arts – theater, music, dance, and art. Experiential, interconnected learning better engages both sides of the student’s brain. By integrating your curriculum with the arts, your student’s brain forms stronger overall connections, and they are able to store more relevant information.
Hands-on Geology of NM
John Kinzer – Rio Grande Enrichment Studies
New Mexico is a fascinating state for geology and earth science. Students need to learn principles of science and the scientific method as they study. Hands-on study of minerals, rocks, and fossils interest and expand student understanding. What can the parent or teacher present that will help the student grow and discern from God’s laboratory, the Creation? What we do we learn about God from the world around us? Where are some good field trips for my family? All of these questions intersect in this introduction to NM Geology, ways to teach science principles, and how to use hands-on science to increase observations and investigation skills.
However Imperfectly: Lessons Learned from Thirty Years of Teaching
Andrew Pudewa
In this talk, Andrew shares many humorous experiences (and painful lessons) he has learned over thirty years of teaching and homeschooling, including: It’s hard not to do to your kids what was done to you; process over product; all kids are different; “progressive” education doesn’t mean progress; what real “college and career readiness” is; and two secret keys to successful teaching. You will be challenged or reassured (or both!) but sure to leave with an expanded vision of your calling as a home educator.
Mary, Martha, You and Me
Rachael Carman
So, do you tend to sit at the feet of Jesus or rush around chasing after the items on your To-Do List? Do you understand who He is? Do you know He is able? Are you concerned about what other people think more than what He requires? Mary and Martha’s inclusion in the biblical narrative is both raw and refreshing. Two women, sisters, two responses to Jesus on two different occasions. Let’s look again at the two snapshots from the gospels and see what we can learn and apply to our lives.
A.P.P.L.E.S. for the Teacher
Davis Carman
The gift of a fresh, shiny apple still represents respect and gratitude towards one’s teacher. Why should it be any different for the homeschooling mom They typically carry the lion’s share of the homeschooling workload. To help them avoid burnout, husbands need to help their wife avoid feeling 100% of the homeschooling responsibility. Your wife needs to hear “thank you” in many different ways and know for sure that you are engaged. In this session, Davis gives six real and practical ideas for supporting your wife in the homeschooling journey.
Tips and Tricks to Teach Your Child with Special Needs
Rachel Anderson
Teaching a child with special needs requires flexibility and patience. When parents understand their child’s learning strengths and struggles, they can modify their lessons to create an environment of learning. In this workshop, I will help you understand the learning strengths and struggles of some of the most common disabilities and give you tips and tricks you can use in your lessons to promote learning.
Create a LANGUAGE IMMERSION Homeschool – Even if You Only Know English!
Adelaide Olguin – Talk Box Mom
Want a foreign language to be a part of your homeschool? But your family is either stuck learning vocab words instead of immersing themselves in the language by talking in it together or the whole idea of learning a foreign language is super overwhelming? I grew up monolingual and learned to conjugate verbs in high school Spanish but could barely put a sentence together without loads of anxiety. Now, my family has learned multiple languages together and has transformed our homeschool day into a full immersion experience.
Homeschooling Isn’t the Answer
Rachael Carman
Bummer, isn’t it? Wouldn’t it be nice if homeschooling was the answer? I mean, wouldn’t it be nice if all of the problems in our families could be solved with good family time and top of the line curriculum? Wouldn’t it be great if all we had to do was adopt a certain daily schedule, read aloud certain books and follow a certain educational philosophy? Wouldn’t it be awesome if there were just a simple checklist of “To-dos” each day that would guarantee success? Yes, it would, but alas, there’s not. However, here is an answer to all that ails us: the sin and death, the pain and misery. Come be reminded of the Answer and the hope it engenders.
The Three Best Things I did as a Homeschool Dad
Andrew Pudewa
While there are many, many things I could have done better as a homeschool father, there are three distinct things that I did try to do – as consistently as possible during our years of homeschooling, which, according to my wife, were the most helpful. Come and learn what these three things are and glean some ideas for making your homeschool years the best they can be. Moms welcome as well!
Family – Our Best Apologia Ever
Davis Carman
Apologia is a Greek word meaning “defend the faith.” In a society saturated with anti-God and relative-Truth Perspectives, students need to be taught from a biblical worldview. The statistics show that a very small percentage of born-again believers have a worldview consistent with basic Christian doctrines. The Internet, movies, music, books and other media heavily influence the thoughts, beliefs, and corresponding actions of young people. How can homeschooling parents help their children stand firm and not be as vulnerable to the modern-day lies? Certainly, one solution can be the use of good books and curricula including creation-based science curricula. The best way is by committing to three ideals. Davis will explain how raising children in a family setting where Christ is worshipped and where the Word of God is the primary text can fulfill the great commission and result in generational faithfulness. Family is truly our best defense of the Christian faith.
Schedules…Helping Our Children to Be Happy
Monica Irvine
Imagine your children waking up with an alarm clock, making their bed, completing their morning hygiene duties, saying their morning personal prayer, completing their morning chores without any verbal reminders from you? Imagine your family having the time for family devotion, family projects, family fun time, one-on-one time with your children, date night for you and your spouse, daily quiet time and chore time.
Imagine reducing your errands by 50%! How much time would that give you to do other things? Parents, these things are possible and possible without unreasonable efforts. They are possible when you place your family on a schedule and take advantage of the gift of routines.
High School Transcripts and Tools
Glenda Durano
What do universities expect in terms of a homeschooler’s high school transcript? How can you effectively demonstrate the depth and breadth of a home-based education? Is a supplement or a portfolio necessary? What should be included on a college resume and what should be omitted? Certified Education Planner Glenda Durano shares ideas and insights for successful transcripts and college applications for university-bound homeschoolers.
Experiment-Based Food Science and Physics
Dale Cox
Dale will present the details of the print and online courses his company offers, and how they can be used both separately and together. He will also briefly introduce what food scientists do along with possible careers.
While most of the courses are food science for junior high and high school-aged students, he will describe a physics course also for that age group that uses LEGO bricks for the experiment portion, and one food science course intended for students ages 6-10.
Why Go Through the Ages With All the Ages in Your Homeschool?
Mindy Brouse
Come learn the many, many benefits of studying the same time period with all of your children during your homeschooling years! Hint: Not only does it streamline for the homeschooling parent, but the kiddos see connections in powerful ways!
Teaching Boys and Teaching Girls: Towards a Better Understanding
Andrew Pudewa
An in-depth look at the neurophysiological differences between boys and girls – how they hear differently, see differently, handle stress and pain differently – as well as the implications for our teaching of both boys and girls. This is an expansion on Andrew’s previous “Boys” talk. With added research, together with humor and practical stories, this presentation will delight and enlighten parents of boys, girls, or both!
In This Moment
Rachael Carman
So here we are. Most of us would have chosen something different than what we’ve recently had to face. I mean really, who would have signed up for the crazy chaos that has characterized the last two years? Not me.
But, if I believe in a sovereign God, and if I believe that He has a plan, and if I believe that He has a role for me to play, and I do, then how do I lean into that God and His plan? And what is my role in this cultural moment? Let’s take a look at some other similarly chaotic cultural moments in Scripture and see what we can learn from those who’ve gone before us.
This is our moment. Let’s dare to live it for Him.
A Do-Over
Steve Demme
I have been asked if I could homeschool my children again, what I would do differently. I have often reflected what I would do as a dad and have several insights that I hope will be beneficial to your home. I could do many workshops on this topic, but I invite you to come and hear the main points in this one.
The Problem With Prayer
Glenda Durano
How do you learn to trust God when your prayers go unanswered? Why is He sometimes silent? Is there ever a time to stop praying? Can a prayer request become an idol? Glenda Durano shares lessons from her personal prayer journey and how she discovered that prayer isn’t primarily about answers. It’s about access to God.
Raising Our Boys to Be True Gentlemen Who Live With Honor
Monica Irvine
Parents, I know you want to raise sons who live with honor, but our society continues to strip away opportunities for our children to do honorable things. Here’s the great news…you can make sure that you are creating opportunities for your children to practice living with honor, but it requires parenting with purpose. Come and listen to Master Motivator, Monica Irvine, inspire your family with lots of ideas of how to teach your sons the skills of honor through small simple acts of generosity. It truly can change their lives and yours as well. You don’t want to miss this!
Nutritional and Wellness Preparedness
Adelina Fast
Training and equipping by providing Biblically based resources focused on family nutrition and health programs for all ages.
Focus Up (Colossians 3:1-4)
Rachael Carman
There are many things in life that draw our attention down, and many things that bring us down. Let’s be honest, life is hard. It’s true. But God invites us to focus up.
Time and again, God calls His people’s attention upward, toward Himself and His glory. There’s no denial in Scripture of the challenges, difficulties, trials, obstacles, pains or temptations that we face here in this world.
The Bible is a catalog of imperfect people wrestling with the realities of life on a planet infected with sin. And even when God’s people endeavor to do His will, their paths aren’t easy.
So, how do we continue on in faith when life is hard? How do we do the next right thing? How do we hold on when what we really want to do is let go?
Paul repeats his encouragement throughout his letters. Let’s lean in and learn from its echo.
By Heart – The Goodness of Memory
Andrew Pudewa
Join Andrew in a contemplation of the fundamental human faculty of memory, examining some of the history and biology of memory, its impact on language, imagination, joy, and virtue. Together we will consider why progressive education discredits its value and why (and how!) we should guard and cultivate this precious gift.
There’s No Place Like H.O.M.E.
Davis Carman
In the class movie, The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy finds herself longing to be back in Kansas with her family. She taps her heels and repeats the well-known phrase, “There’s no place like home.” Instantly, she is transported to the one location where she is safe and sound and loved.
When you think about your children, where is the ideal place for them to learn, mature, and develop healthy life habits? Where is the safest place to have some discussions about difficult life issues? And where on earth can they find good examples of what it means to love God with all their heart? Academic instruction? A love for learning? I bet you know the answer.
In this workshop, Davis will present four reasons why there really is “No Place Like Home.”
Proverbs and the Three Stages
Kristin Overman
What do you teach your kids at each stage? Is there a purposeful progression that Christian parents can go through?
From toddlers to teens, Proverbs has a progression of what to teach our children and how to grow wise.
We will look at the four foundational keys to teach young children. Then we will look at the conversational stage in Proverbs and what we should talk about with our elementary-age children.
Finally, we’ll look at the last section of Proverbs for the growing independence of young adults and the four W’s to go over with them before we send them off.
God gave us a manual for parenting. He does not leave us alone or without resources in this job!
Kristin is passionate about helping parents raise “Godly” kids.
Experience Classical Conversations
Daniela Byers
Experience a Classical Conversations day all the way through our K4-12th grade programs by engaging with material just as our students do. Join us for some great discussion in this one-hour workshop. There will also be time for questions and info about all our Classical, Christian Communities throughout New Mexico. Come learn with us!
Teddy Roosevelt to George W. Bush: Learning from American Presidents in the 20th Century
John Kinzer
As your student learns American History, what can you give him or her that will teach about the important principles and ideals that the 20th Century Presidents teach us?
What importance does leadership play in the administration of a President? How do we evaluate a President, the impact a President has over time, and the Biblical truth that a President followed, or did not follow in his life and politics? Several Biblical principles are presented as we take a look at the 18 Presidents of the 20th Century.
Not only will we take a closer look at 5 key Presidents, but also what we can take away from the Presidents as good examples to learn and apply today. Resources for learning will be available.
The Family That Stays Together, Stays Together
Steve Demme
God created marriage and the family. Home education is a lifestyle of learning where parents and children do life together. Working, eating, reading books aloud, watching movies, all contribute to creating the unique chemistry of family.